Wedding Palafrugell


You have everything you need if you decide to get married anywhere in Palafrugell and its beaches

Wedding Palafrugell


More and more couples are choosing locations in Palafrugell and its beaches to hold their wedding for many different reasons.

Palafrugell has everything you need to make your wedding an unforgettable day: a beautiful atmosphere, a lovely climate and a wide range of culinary, commercial, and lodging options that help you celebrate your ideal wedding.

That’s why a website has been created with an extensive inventory of local companies that will give you the information you need to organise your long awaited day down to the smallest detail.

On Wedding Palafrugell you will find:

  • Information about the procedure that you need to follow based on the type of ceremony, whether a beach wedding, a religious wedding, a civil wedding at the Palafrugell Town Hall, a civil wedding at the Justice of the Peace, or a civil wedding in another location.
  • Companies that will help you organise your wedding: wedding planners, photographers, transport, lodging, and restaurants, among others.
  • Everything you need for guests: sites, catering services, cake and candy makers, food trucks, material sale and rental, and more.
  • Different types of decorating options: balloons, flowers, designers, digital services, print shops, and more.
  • Companies that liven up the celebration: sound and light, DJs, bands, dancers, kids’ entertainment, and much more.
  • List of beauty, aesthetic, and fashion centres.


We’ll make it easy so that you can come celebrate this special day in our town.