Punta d’en Blanc


From Punta d'en Blanc you can take in a magnificent view the entire bay of Llafranc

Punta d’en Blanc


Take the seaside trail from Calella de Palafrugell to Llafranc (GR-92). Once you have passed the Watchtower of Hotel La Torre, you’lll find the sculpture by the artist Rodolfo Candelaria dedicated to the People of the Sea.

Next, entering now into the Marinada promenade, along one of the most beautiful stretches of the town’s coast, you’ll arrive to an elongated wooden roundabout structure.

You can sit on the bench to take in a view of the entire bay of Llafranc, from the so-called Little Venice to the Nautical Port. Light, colour, smell, calm, peace of mind, serenity, and several other sensations will come to you as you gaze out at the sea.