The Joan Granés i Noguer square


From its location, you can take in the magnificent view of the entire town of Calella under the Sant Sebastià lighthouse

The Joan Granés i Noguer square


Arrive in Calella, in the direction of Hotel Sa nt Roc. Pass next to the hotel, leaving it on your left and continue through the small dead-end street that will bring you to the Joan Granés i Noguer square, named in honour of a native Palafrugell writer who died at the tender age of 25 due to disease.

The square is small, but the view is immense. You can sit on a stone wall that surrounds half of the square to savour the fantastic views or you can go down the dirt stairs that form part of GR-92 to follow the coast to Golfret beach.

You can also take a detour a little bit earlier to head up the stairs to your right and that will take you along the GR-92 to the Botanical Gardens where the extensive flora, national and international sculptures, the Castle and its visits make this an idyllic visit.